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Donations & Tribute Cards

Thank you & bless you - your support powers Mishkan! If you are logged in when you submit this form, you will be able to make immediate payment, split it, or bill it to your account.

Is it possible your company offers a corporate match on gifts? If you aren't sure, visit this page on our website and scroll down to enter your company's name in order to check. Corporate matches are a free way to donate extra money to organizations - like Mishkan! - that you care about.

Donation 1: I would like to make a gift to:

Annual Campaign: fuel our work year-round, keeping salaries paid and lights on
Cohen Kadima Program: support Mishkan’s dynamic education program for 6th graders, 7th graders, and post-BMitzvah teens and their families, honoring the educational vision of Bernice and Buddy Cohen
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility: support things like large-print siddurim, ASL interpretation and anti-racism training
Education & Adult Learning: keep authentic Jewish learning at the heart of what we do and who we are
Maggie's Place: support our hub for spiritual health & wellness
Mensch Academy: fund our award-winning, sliding-scale tuition Jewish afterschool program for kids
Security: help assure our services & programs are a safe space for everyone
Wed, March 5 2025 5 Adar 5785