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Like synagogue membership, but more like a creative partnership (even a friendship) that allows us to co-create your spiritual journey with you. We’re looking for people to help us build a community of learning, moral inspiration, and support. Who are serious about radical inclusivity and want to create community with people across the spectrum of age, background and identity. Who want to bring their whole selves to something larger than themselves.

If this sounds like you, Buildership is the path for you.

All Builder levels receive the same benefits (discounts & first alerts, High Holiday access, lifecycle services, Builder-only events and the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing that you’re not being a freeloader)!

(Note: If you want to pay more or less than any of the levels listed here, or your circumstances have changed and you need to adjust an existing level, send us an email. Everyone is always welcome.)

* For new Builders joining during the January 1-March 31 quarter, we will be prorating each level down to 50% of the amount listed. On the next page, when you set up payment, you will see that prorate reflected.
Please note that the Growing Level is an entry level meant for those for whom paying more would truly hurt too much. All Growing Builders are automatically increased to the Gimmel Level at the start of our renewal cycle (July 1) each year unless otherwise discussed.

Radical inclusivity is our intention across the board. We say yes to all Buildership financial adjustments, and more than 20% of all Builders pay adjusted rates. To make a voluntary contribution to help underwrite those accommodations, please do so here. Thank you!

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785